Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE in /var/www/ on line 195
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if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, removeProfilePhoto: function(callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse() }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, uploadBackgroundPhoto: function(file, callback, xhr) { data = new FormData(); data.append('csrf', Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf')); data.append('google_recaptcha_response', Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse()); data.append('media', file); $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'text', processData: false, contentType: false, xhr: xhr, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, removeBackgroundPhoto: function(callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse() }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, visit: function(username, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, block: function(username, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, unblock: function(username, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, getBlockedUsers: function(callback = null) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse() }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, follow: function(username, callback = null) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, unfollow: function(username, callback = null) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, getFollowers: function(username, callback = null) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, getFollowing: function(username, callback = null) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, vote: function(username, stars, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, stars: stars }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, update: function(data, callback) { data.csrf = Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'); data.google_recaptcha_response = Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(); $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, success: function(response) { try { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, updatePlaces: function(data, callback) { data.csrf = Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'); data.google_recaptcha_response = Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(); $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, success: function(response) { try { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, changeEmail: function(currentPassword, newEmail, callback) { data = {}; data.csrf = Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'); data.google_recaptcha_response = Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(); data.current_password = currentPassword; = newEmail; $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, success: function(response) { try { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, changePassword: function(currentPassword, newPassword, callback) { data = {}; data.csrf = Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'); data.google_recaptcha_response = Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(); data.current_password = currentPassword; data.new_password = newPassword; data.password_confirm = newPassword; $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, success: function(response) { try { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, deleteAccount: function(currentPassword, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), current_password: currentPassword }, success: function(response) { try { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, report: function(username, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, UserWall: { row2html: { comment: function(row, withArticle) { html = ''; if (withArticle) { html += '
    '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (row.comment.user) { html += ' ' + row.comment.user.username + ''; } else { html += ' Anonymous'; } html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.comment.comment.likes_count + ''; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (row.comment.user) { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else { html += ' '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (row.comment.comment.text) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.comment.comment.text); } if ( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.comment.comment.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.comment.comment.likes_count + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response)) { html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' ' + row.response.user.username + ''; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response.response.text)) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.response.response.text); } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.response.response.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.response.response.likes_count + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } else { if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(Mambo.Session.User) && == { html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' ' + Mambo.Session.User.username + ' '; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' ​'; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' Reply'; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } else { html += ' '; } } html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(Mambo.Session.User) && == { if (Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response)) { html += ' Reply '; } } html += '
    '; if (withArticle) { html += '
    '; } html += ' '; html += ' '; return html; }, response: function(row) { html = ''; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response)) { html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' ' + row.response.user.username + ''; if (row.response.response.text) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.response.response.text); } if ( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.response.response.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.response.response.likes_count + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } return html; } }, get: function(username, comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, likes: function(username, comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, like: function(username, comment_id, type, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, comment_id: comment_id, type: type }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, load: function(username, comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, comment: function(form, callback, xhr) { data = new FormData(); data.append('csrf', Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf')); data.append('google_recaptcha_response', Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse()); if (form.username) { data.append('username', form.username); } if (form.text) { data.append('text', form.text); } if ( { data.append('media',; } if (form.anonymous) { data.append('anonymous', form.anonymous); } $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'text', processData: false, contentType: false, xhr: xhr, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, answer: function(form, callback, xhr) { data = new FormData(); data.append('csrf', Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf')); data.append('google_recaptcha_response', Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse()); if (form.comment_id) { data.append('comment_id', form.comment_id); } if (form.text) { data.append('text', form.text); } if ( { data.append('media',; } $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'text', processData: false, contentType: false, xhr: xhr, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, delete: function(comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, report: function(username, comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, UserWallPending: { row2html: function(row) { html = ''; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (row.comment.user) { html += ' ' + row.comment.user.username + ' '; } else { html += ' Anonymous '; } html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (row.comment.user) { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else { html += ' '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (row.comment.comment.text) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.comment.comment.text); } if ( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.comment.comment.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' ​ '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' Delete '; html += ' Post '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; return html; }, load: function(callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'text', processData: false, contentType: false, xhr: xhr, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, answer: function(form, callback, xhr) { data = new FormData(); data.append('csrf', Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf')); data.append('google_recaptcha_response', Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse()); if (form.comment_id) { data.append('comment_id', form.comment_id); } if (form.text) { data.append('text', form.text); } if ( { data.append('media',; } $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'text', processData: false, contentType: false, xhr: xhr, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, delete: function(comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, UserPost: { row2html: { gallery: function(row) { html = ''; html += '
  • '; if ( == 'video') { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
  • '; return html; } }, upload: function(form, callback, xhr) { data = new FormData(); data.append('csrf', Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf')); data.append('google_recaptcha_response', Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse()); if ( { data.append('media',; } if (form.caption) { data.append('caption', form.caption); } $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'text', processData: false, contentType: false, xhr: xhr, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, get: function(username, post_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, post_id: post_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, like: function(username, post_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, post_id: post_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, likes: function(username, post_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, post_id: post_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, gallery: function(username, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, delete: function(post_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), post_id: post_id }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, report: function(username, post_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, post_id: post_id }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, UserPostComment: { row2html: { comment: function(row, withDiv) { html = ''; if (withDiv) { html += '
    '; } html += '
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    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

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    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.comment.likes_count + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Reply'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(Mambo.Session.User) && == { html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; if (withDiv) { html += '
    '; } html += ' '; return html; } }, comment: function(form, callback) { data = {}; data.csrf = Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'); data.google_recaptcha_response = Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(); if (form.username) { data.username = form.username; } if (form.post_id) { data.post_id = form.post_id; } if (form.text) { data.text = form.text; } $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, like: function(username, post_id, comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, post_id: post_id, comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, likes: function(username, post_id, comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, post_id: post_id, comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, delete: function(post_id, comment_id, callback) { data = {}; data.csrf = Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'); data.google_recaptcha_response = Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(); data.post_id = post_id; data.comment_id = comment_id; $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, report: function(form, callback) { data = {}; data.csrf = Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'); data.google_recaptcha_response = Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(); if (form.post_id) { data.post_id = form.post_id; } if (form.comment_id) { data.comment_id = form.comment_id; } $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, Conversation: { row2html: { conversation: function(row) { html = ''; html += '
  • '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.user.username + ' ' + ((! ? 'UNREAD' : '') + ''; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '

    ' + ((row.conversation.text) ? Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.conversation.text) : '') + (( ? ' 📸' : '') + '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
  • '; html += ' '; html += ' '; return html; } }, load: function(callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse() }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, delete: function(username, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, ConversationMessage: { row2html: { message: function(row) { html = ''; if ( == { html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' You'; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.message.text)) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.message.text); } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.message.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } else { html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' ' + row.user.username + ''; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.message.text)) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.message.text); } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.message.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } return html; } }, load: function(username, message_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), username: username, message_id: message_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, send: function(form, callback, xhr) { data = new FormData(); data.append('csrf', Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf')); data.append('google_recaptcha_response', Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse()); if (form.username) { data.append('username', form.username); } if (form.text) { data.append('text', form.text); } if ( { data.append('media',; } $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'text', processData: false, contentType: false, xhr: xhr, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, Place: { get: function(place, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, ranking: function(place, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, gallery: function(place, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, PlaceWallComment: { row2html: { comment: function(row, withArticle) { html = ''; if (withArticle) { html += '
    '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.comment.user)) { html += ' ' + row.comment.user.username + ''; } else { html += ' Anonymous '; } html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.comment.comment.likes_count + ''; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.comment.comment.responses_count + ''; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.comment.user)) { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else { html += ' '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.comment.comment.text)) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.comment.comment.text); } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.comment.comment.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again'; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.comment.comment.likes_count + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Reply'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; hasResponses = false; showLoadMoreResponses = false; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response) || !Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.responses)) { hasResponses = true; } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.responses)) { if (row.comment.comment.responses_count > row.responses.length) { showLoadMoreResponses = true; } } html += '
    '; html += ' Load more comments'; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.responses)) { for (k = 0; k < row.responses.length; k++) { html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.responses[k].user)) { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else { html += ' '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.responses[k].user)) { html += ' ' + row.responses[k].user.username + ''; } else { html += ' Anonymous'; } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.responses[k].response.text)) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.responses[k].response.text); } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.responses[k] { if (row.responses[k] == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.responses[k].response.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again'; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if (row.responses[k] == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if (row.responses[k] == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.responses[k].response.likes_count + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Reply'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } } else if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response)) { html += ' View all responses'; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response.user)) { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else { html += ' '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response.user)) { html += ' ' + row.response.user.username + ''; } else { html += ' Anonymous'; } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response.response.text)) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.response.response.text); } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.response.response.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again'; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.response.response.likes_count + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Reply'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(Mambo.Session.User)) { html += ' ' + Mambo.Session.User.username + ''; html += ' '; } else { html += ' Anonymous'; } html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(Mambo.Session.User)) { html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else { html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += ' 500'; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' Reply'; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; if (withArticle) { html += '
    '; } return html; } }, get: function(place, comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place, comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, like: function(place, comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place, comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, likes: function(place, comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place, comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, load: function(place, comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place, comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, write: function(form, callback, xhr) { data = new FormData(); data.append('csrf', Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf')); data.append('google_recaptcha_response', Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse()); if ( { data.append('place',; } if (form.text) { data.append('text', form.text); } if ( { data.append('media',; } if (form.anonymous) { data.append('anonymous', form.anonymous); } $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'text', processData: false, contentType: false, xhr: xhr, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, report: function(place, comment_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place, comment_id: comment_id }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, PlaceWallMedia: { row2html: { gallery: function(row) { html = ''; html += '
  • '; if ( == 'video') { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
  • '; return html; } } }, PlaceWallCommentResponse: { row2html: { response: function(row, withDiv) { html = ''; if(withDiv) { html += '
    '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.user)) { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else { html += ' '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.user)) { html += ' ' + row.user.username + ''; } else { html += ' Anonymous'; } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response.text)) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.response.text); } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.response.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again'; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.response.likes_count + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Reply'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; if(withDiv) { html += '
    '; } return html; } }, get: function(place, comment_id, response_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place, comment_id: comment_id, response_id: response_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, like: function(place, comment_id, response_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place, comment_id: comment_id, response_id: response_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, likes: function(place, comment_id, response_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place, comment_id: comment_id, response_id: response_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, load: function(place, comment_id, response_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place, comment_id: comment_id, response_id: response_id }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, write: function(form, callback, xhr) { data = new FormData(); data.append('csrf', Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf')); data.append('google_recaptcha_response', Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse()); if ( { data.append('place',; } if (form.comment_id) { data.append('comment_id', form.comment_id); } if (form.text) { data.append('text', form.text); } if ( { data.append('media',; } if (form.anonymous) { data.append('anonymous', form.anonymous); } $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'text', processData: false, contentType: false, xhr: xhr, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, report: function(place, comment_id, response_id, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), place: place, comment_id: comment_id, response_id: response_id }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, Notification: { load: function(callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse() }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, read: function(callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse() }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, clear: function(callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse() }, success: function(response) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); }, hasNew: function(callback) { data = { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse() }; if ( == 'conversation/message') { data.context =; keys = Object.keys(; for (i8179 = 0; i8179 < keys.length; i8179++) { data[keys[i8179]] =[keys[i8179]]; } } $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, UserNotificationToken: { FCM: function(token, callback) { $.ajax({ metadata: { callback: callback }, url: '', type: 'POST', data: { csrf: Mambo.Storage.Cookies.get('csrf'), google_recaptcha_response: Mambo.reCAPTCHA.getResponse(), token: token }, success: function(response) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } catch (e) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback(response); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (this.metadata && this.metadata.callback && typeof this.metadata.callback === 'function') { this.metadata.callback('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } }); } }, UserList: { row2html: { li: function(row) { html = ''; html += '
  • '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.username + ''; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '

    ' + ((row.biography) ? row.biography : '') + '

    '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '  '; html += '
    '; html += '
  • '; return html; }, liRank: function(position, row) { html = ''; html += '
  • '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + position + ' ' + row.username + ''; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.points + ''; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' ' + row.votes + ' votes'; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
  • '; return html; } } }, Feed: { row2html: { userWall: { comment: function(row) { if(row.type !== 'UserWall') { return ''; } html = ''; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if ( { html += ' ' + + ' ⇒ ' + + ''; } else { html += ' Anonymous ⇒ ' + + ''; } html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if ( { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else { html += ' '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if ( { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(; } if ( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' ' + + ''; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(; } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again'; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } else { if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(Mambo.Session.User) && == { html += ''; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' ' + Mambo.Session.User.username + ''; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' Reply'; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } else { html += ''; } } html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(Mambo.Session.User) && == { if (Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { html += ' Reply'; } } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ''; html += ''; return html; }, response: function(row) { html = ''; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response)) { html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' ' + row.response.user.username + ''; if (row.response.response.text) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.response.response.text); } if ( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.response.response.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.response.response.likes_count + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } return html; } }, userPost: function(row) { if(row.type !== 'UserPost') { return ''; } html = ''; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' Has made a new publication'; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if ( { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(; } if ( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ''; return html; }, placeWallComment: function(row) { if(row.type !== 'PlaceWallComment') { return ''; } html = ''; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { html += ' ' + + ' ⇒ ' + + ' '; } else { html += ' Anonymous ⇒ ' + + ''; } html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if(!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(; } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Reply'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; hasResponses = false; showLoadMoreResponses = false; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { hasResponses = true; } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { if ( > { showLoadMoreResponses = true; } } html += '
    '; html += ' Load more comments'; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { for (k = 0; k <; k++) { html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject([k].user)) { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject([k].user)) { html += ' ' +[k].user.username + ''; } else { html += ' Anonymous'; } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject([k].response.text)) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links([k].response.text); } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject([k] { if ([k] == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() -[k].response.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += ' The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again'; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ([k] == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ([k] == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' +[k].response.likes_count + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Reply'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; } } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(Mambo.Session.User)) { html += ' ' + Mambo.Session.User.username + ''; html += ' '; } else { html += ' Anonymous'; } html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(Mambo.Session.User)) { html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else { html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; html += ' 500'; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' Reply'; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += ' '; html += '
    '; return html; }, placeWallCommentResponse: function(row) { html = ''; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.user)) { html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; } else { html += ' '; } html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '

    '; if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.user)) { html += ' ' + row.user.username + ''; } else { html += ' Anonymous'; } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject(row.response.text)) { html += Mambo.Utils.mentions2Links(row.response.text); } if (!Mambo.Utils.isEmptyObject( { if ( == 'video') { if ((Mambo.Utils.unixTime() - row.response.time) < 60) { html += '
    '; html += 'The video may be processing. If you can not see it, wait a few seconds and try again '; } html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'audio') { html += '
    '; html += ' '; } else if ( == 'image') { html += ' '; } } html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ' ' + row.response.likes_count + ''; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' Like'; html += ' · '; html += ' Reply'; html += ' · '; html += ' Share'; html += ' · '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; return html; } } } } }